
Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Introduction

As it seems to be an unstated traditon for the first post of a new Blogger to be that of an Introduction, I have thus named it such. For the last year I have been pondering what I could Blog about, wondering what I could offer the web that people may actually give a ting crap about. And as my fashion sense is probably something I should be jailed for and my romantic life consists of clingy men, stalkers and guys that are already in a relationship, I doubted I had anything to offer.

However recently I have been repeatedly told that I have a lot of friends that have a lot of drama (think something you'd find in a year's worth of soaps). This is very true: some drama is awful - like my friend dealing with her boyfriend's cancer, another getting divorced and one coping with the loss of her husband. Then there are the "Attention Seekers" such as one who is a fake anorexic or the complusive liar. And finally the rest whom are dealing with a little thing I call life.

So I'm mid way through my twenty-third year and my friends range from being teenage hormonal timebombs to thritysomething poeple who are trying so vainly to keep the status quo of what they believe to be the ideal norm. I am neither a soical butterfly - recently I've culled sixty friends from Facebook leaving me with well under one hundred - nor am I a caring sort of chap.

For example, one particular friend complains that she is fat. She is not (she's under the Attention Seeker category) and every time she complains or moans about such I have to hold my tongue. I only deal sympathy to thoes who are in need of it. 

So, I am going to tell the world about how I cope and handle being the "normal" (hardly) one of an immense and at times intense group of friends - and that sometimes, being just "a friend of a friend who..." can be a real turblant rollercoast ride all on its own.



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