
Wednesday, 20 July 2011

...has developed New Boyfriend Sydrome #2

Cracking Pet Peeves – Or not cracking under the pressure of Pet Peeves.

Admittedly I surrender myself to two pet peeves; traits that hinder my usually calm, collective natural practically useless. And sadly one friend harbours both and every time we meet it’s like tackling my own private Everest. [Or at least one of many I deal with everyday]. Cue Laura*

Pet Peeve No. 1 = Lateness. In my whole life the longest I have been late for a meeting of any kind is roughly ten minutes and that was always due to things out of my control. Act's of god or public transport. Etc.

Tonight I waited an extra 57 minutes for Laura to cometh around for some little things I needed to give her. And during those fifty seven minutes I sat down, got up and walked around, fed the pets and typed a chapter of randomness and whilst growing angrier and angrier until I felt like breaking something. Or ranting - which is my new self harming method.

Verdict: if you are going to be late. Let people know!

Pet Peeve No. 2 = Text conversations during dates. I.e. Laura does this all the time. We can arrange a meeting - and as I said in the last Laura post - they are few and far between nowadays, she'll recieve a text and BAM. Cyber date between her and her boyfriend and I am left feeling like the third wheel. In. My. Own. Home!

One text for politeness is dandy. Fourteen in the space of an hour - just leave and get a bleeding room!

I am still very green about dealing with pet peeves. I guess it helps that I've known Laura for fourteen years so I know her pretty well. Mainly I occupy myself with other things and repeat over and over again that there are more important things in life than being angry about someone's personality traits.

You canny change other people. You can only change yourself to cope and move swiftly along.


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