
Saturday, 2 July 2011 a fake anorexic #2

A Nice Way to say "Shut the Fuck up"?

NB. Jane is not Ana, and I hope people who think I'm ignoring a potentially fatal disease read my previous post on Jane, before judging.

Sometimes going to work is like I've stepped back in time and am back in high school. And I hated high school. I have to deal with gossip, bitching and arguements and of course, Jane. And, at 23, I am now pondering if there is ever a nice way to say "shut the fuck up!"

So, two new fads that Jane has come up with are A: extremely expensive protein bars from the USA that are 200 cals and are meant to be both breakfast and dinners. Okay, for anyone wanting to lose weight they are probably very effective, but when you're Jane you NEED to take it that one step too far.

And that means insisting - to everyone - that this will be the only food intake that day. And the famous quote she has ever came out with "I want to be Heroin chic!". I know, you're asking why right?

B: Today I had to endure her express she was on a "diet" 9 times in six hours, went into detail about only eating salad and constantly moaned she was dizzy and her legs were wobbly. Urgh. Of course she screamed the place down when a friend offered her one hard boiled sweet to taste its sourness and refused to eat anything... until said friend had gone and I caught her eating several of these sweets in secret.

And no matter how much I love Jane, this is getting old very quickly. Now the summer has come I am in a sink, swim or slap scenario. I cannot handle this false act. Anyone else I would have probably left in tears by now, but Jane is my co-worker and my friend so its not like I can slap her and scream at her...

So time for the ole faithful: the little white lie. "Jane, you're worrying me when you talk about this stuff, so please be careful and tone it down for me so I don't worry all the time, okay?"

I'll keep you up to date on how Jane and my relation is coping.


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